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Tracmobility Holdings limited – Rohith Varma

Name: Rohith Varma

Email: rohith@tracmobility.co.uk

Company name: Tracmobility Holdings limited

Value proposition: Problem: Governments have had a harder time adapting to new technologies than businesses have. There are many ways that the public sector can improve the way it serves its citizens by using newer technologies and models to build smart cities. With our flexible city-as-a-service SaaS platform, we enable cities to deploy a plug-n-play microservice model of core municipal services through digital platforms that are data-driven and accessible via personal devices.

How much money are you looking to raise in this round: 3500000

Company url: https://www.trac-city.com/

Number of your team member: 6

URL to pitch deck: https://www.canva.com/design/DAFRdBhv6y0/uF0t0ZlnTVs-R4hHuKW_kQ/view?utm_content=DAFRdBhv6y0&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton

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